Address Details
Here are some sample address details for China with Latitude and Longitude:
Street | City | State | Postal Code | Country | Phone Number | Latitude | Longitude |
Wangfujing St. 1 | Beijing | Beijing | 100000 | China | +86 10 23456789 | 39.9180 | 116.3970 |
Nanjing Rd. 99 | Shanghai | Shanghai | 200000 | China | +86 21 98765432 | 31.2304 | 121.4737 |
Huaihai Rd. 88 | Shanghai | Shanghai | 200031 | China | +86 21 12345678 | 31.2292 | 121.4729 |
Guangzhou St. 10 | Guangzhou | Guangdong | 510000 | China | +86 20 56789012 | 23.1291 | 113.2644 |
Chongqing Rd. 15 | Chongqing | Chongqing | 400000 | China | +86 23 87654321 | 29.5630 | 106.5516 |
Person Profiles
Detailed profiles for individuals in China:
Full Name | Gender | Birthday | ID Number | Blood Type | Tax Number |
Li Wei | Male | 1980-05-10 | 110101198005100011 | A+ | 1234567890 |
Zhang Min | Female | 1985-08-25 | 110102198508250021 | O- | 2345678901 |
Wang Jun | Male | 1990-12-15 | 110103199012150035 | AB+ | 3456789012 |
Chen Li | Female | 1992-03-30 | 110104199203300056 | B+ | 4567890123 |
Liu Ming | Male | 1995-09-05 | 110105199509050077 | O+ | 5678901234 |
Finance & Credit Card Information
Sample financial and credit card details for China:
Bank | Card Type | Card Number | Expiration Date | CVV | Card Holder Name |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | Visa | 4024 1234 5678 9101 | 11/25 | 234 | Li Wei |
Bank of China | MasterCard | 5292 2345 6789 3456 | 06/24 | 765 | Zhang Min |
China Construction Bank | Amex | 3714 1234 5678 9012 | 01/26 | 876 | Wang Jun |
China Merchants Bank | Discover | 6011 2345 6789 1234 | 09/23 | 654 | Chen Li |
Bank of Communications | Visa | 4539 5678 9012 7890 | 03/27 | 432 | Liu Ming |
Employment Details
Employment details for sample individuals in China:
Company | Position | Salary | Start Date | Status |
China Petroleum | Engineer | ¥300,000 | 2010-04-12 | Active |
Alibaba | Project Manager | ¥350,000 | 2012-06-15 | Active |
Tencent | Software Developer | ¥400,000 | 2015-08-25 | Active |
Baidu | Data Scientist | ¥450,000 | 2016-02-10 | Active |
Huawei | Network Engineer | ¥500,000 | 2017-09-05 | Active |
Education Details
Education details of sample profiles from China:
University | Degree | Graduation Year | GPA |
Peking University | Law | 2004 | 3.9 |
Fudan University | Engineering | 2007 | 3.8 |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Business Administration | 2009 | 3.7 |
Beijing Normal University | Philosophy | 2012 | 3.6 |
Tsinghua University | Computer Science | 2014 | 3.8 |