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UK Address

randomly generated UK addresses

# AddressCity/TownCountyPostcodePhone CountryLatitudeLongitude
122 Baker StreetLondonGreater LondonW1U 3BW+44 20 7946 0123United Kingdom51.5205-0.1550
210 Downing StreetLondonGreater LondonSW1A 2AA+44 20 7925 0918United Kingdom51.5034-0.1276
35 High StreetManchesterGreater ManchesterM1 1AB+44 161 555 2345United Kingdom53.4808-2.2426
418 Queen’s RoadBirminghamWest MidlandsB3 1EF+44 121 555 6789United Kingdom52.4862-1.8904
577 Castle LaneEdinburghScotlandEH1 2NG+44 131 555 8765United Kingdom55.9533-3.1883
636 Oxford RoadCambridgeCambridgeshireCB2 1AD+44 1223 555 4321United Kingdom52.20530.1218
79 Station AvenueBristolAvonBS1 5HX+44 117 555 9876United Kingdom51.4545-2.5879
814 King’s StreetGlasgowScotlandG1 1AA+44 141 555 7654United Kingdom55.8642-4.2518
988 Victoria RoadCardiffWalesCF10 1BG+44 29 555 6789United Kingdom51.4816-3.1791
1050 George SquareLiverpoolMerseysideL1 1BA+44 151 555 3456United Kingdom53.4084-2.9916

randomly generated UK matched person profiles

#Full NameGenderBirthdayNational Insurance Number
1Mr. Oliver KingsleyMale1984-03-12QQ 12 34 56 C
2Ms. Amelia HarringtonFemale1990-07-22AB 98 76 54 D
3Dr. Henry WhitmoreMale1975-11-05ZX 45 67 89 A
4Mrs. Isabella ThorntonFemale1988-06-30LM 32 45 21 B
5Mr. Sebastian WinslowMale1995-04-18PO 87 65 43 C
6Ms. Charlotte BeaumontFemale1981-09-27GH 23 56 78 D
7Mr. Theodore AshfordMale1973-02-10JK 76 45 32 A
8Mrs. Emily KensingtonFemale1992-12-14MN 65 43 21 B
9Mr. Daniel MontagueMale1986-05-08RS 12 34 56 C
10Ms. Sophie WellingtonFemale1979-08-25UV 98 76 54 D

randomly generated UK finance & credit card information

#Cardholder NameCard TypeCard NumberExpiry DateCVVBank NameSort CodeAccount Number
1Mr. Oliver KingsleyVisa Debit4539 5678 9012 345608/27214HSBC UK40-32-1712345678
2Ms. Amelia HarringtonMastercard5256 7890 1234 567811/26321Barclays20-45-6723456789
3Dr. Henry WhitmoreAmerican Express3714 567890 1234505/288421NatWest60-12-3434567890
4Mrs. Isabella ThorntonDiscover6011 2345 6789 012312/25534Lloyds Bank30-98-7645678901
5Mr. Sebastian WinslowVisa Credit4716 9876 5432 109809/29657Santander UK09-01-1256789012
6Ms. Charlotte BeaumontMastercard5500 6789 1234 567804/26119Metro Bank23-45-6767890123
7Mr. Theodore AshfordAmerican Express3498 765432 1098707/302305Monzo Bank04-00-0478901234
8Mrs. Emily KensingtonDiscover6011 9087 6543 210903/27892TSB Bank77-12-3489012345
9Mr. Daniel MontagueVisa Debit4485 3210 9876 543206/25745Royal Bank of Scotland83-23-4590123456
10Ms. Sophie WellingtonMastercard5362 1234 5678 901210/28378Starling Bank60-83-7101234567